Employment For Vapers

Talk about blowing smoke up your ass. Once long ago, in a country not too far away, medical practitioners used tobacco smoke enemas to treat those who suffered from illness. This treatment was used for many different kinds of sicknesses. Among other things, it was prescribed to remedy cold, drowsiness, ileus and even used in an attempt to bring back to life people who had drowned. And farm animals were not safe either. This treatment was used on horses as a laxative. I wonder what Mr. Ed would have said about that. Hey Wilber, what are you doing back there?

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Luckily, sometime around 1811, Benjamin Brodie demonstrated that nicotine was a heart muscle poison. Following that, the prescribing of tobacco smoke enemas began to be frowned upon.

Now I have to wonder when some creative new age healer will bring this practice again. After all, it has been shown that electronic cigarette vapor has a few thousand less chemicals in it than cigarette smoke. It also does not contain the tar, so you won't get any anus staining. No anal bleach required (no kidding, it's real, google it and you will see). Finally, an enema that is safe for the environment. Bad breath is no problem either!

In these very bad economic times, this idea has great potential for the economy. It would create jobs creating and manufacturing vaping enemas, give medical practitioners more cases that they could outrageously bill for and give all of the "Housewives of Where Ever" something to keep them busy on Monday mornings. More jobs would be created for web designers and ad companies. I just have to wonder how they would advertise this.

Since nothing else has helped to boost the economy, perhaps the President should present this to Congress. It is no secret that, he has been blowing smoke up the peoples asses for quite a while now and he says he is an advocate for green technology. Vapor enemas for everyone, courtesy of the new health care bill!

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